Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year

We're back! First, we would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year! Below are some great pics taken by our nephew Shane's wife, Amy.

This is one of our favorite pics of the boys.

Here our boys are just chillin' cheek to cheek.

Our boys sporting their Christmas bibs.


Anonymous said...

The boys look so cute in red. which happens to be my favorite color. Do not post the pic with me on Christmas eve I looked like butt. The boys sure are alot of fun and they smile so easy, that is so cool. Love, Di

Anonymous said...

They are so darned cute, I love them in red, it is the greatest color, with their dark hair. What pic is Di talking about that she looks like butt? what is looks like butt mean.
It was great seeing all of you, hope it is not to long before we see the baby's again.
Keep the pics coming

Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened to my comment that I thought I put on the other day, but again I will say they are two of twentyseven of the cutest kids ever. Kiss each of those big fat cheeks for me. I sure do miss them. Love, Gram