Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy 2008!

The boys had a blast opening up all their gifts.

Owen loved his new wooden forklift.

Luke could not get enough of the homemade
Bingo game.

Santa also brought a few gifts for the boys to share...

including their very own jungle jim.

Here Owen & Luke pose for a pic after they
opened all their gifts (and before they journeyed
6 hours to Erie).

Upon our arrival in Erie, we found out that
Santa was not too happy with Dasher's performance.
(Editor's Note: No real deer were hurt in the taking of this picture).

Here's Owen practicing being a big brother.
That's the latest Schaeffer addition, Cormac.
Lil' West Poley version 3.0 arrives in July, 2008!

The Schaeffer gang with the boys. Is this
the next generation of Villa girls & boys?
(remember it's now co-ed!)

This is the boys' great-aunt Jean playing
the Wii (& that's grams stealing all of Aunt
Jean's moves.)

Grams bowled like a pro.

It is a bit hard to see, but here the
boys are petting their cousin Heidi's
pet pig. It weighs over 200 lbs.
Just think of all the porkchops!

Gramma's giant tub is reserved for only
special guests.

The boys also got to pay a visit with Nanna...

& PapPap.

While visiting Nanna & PapPap, we also got
to play in the snow. Here Amy is building a
snowman with our niece Mo-Mo.

Here's a nice close-up of Moe.

All Luke was interested in was eating the snow.

Here's a pic of the boys & dad posing with
the Hams (Tommy, Grace, Amanda & Chris).


Anonymous said...

No pictures of me? Everyone else is there. Momo is not hyphenated by the way. Isn't it a jungle GYM?

anonymous said...

those are some nice pictures. good thing I taught luke how to eat snow last year. hopefully we will visit soon,

tom and cari

Anonymous said...

I see Sean did the Posts, they r cute but were is the little West gang?
Love Di:)