They were totally enthralled by the dragon.

Then they took a little vacation, venturing off to Columbus to watch their cousin Karrie play in a volleyball tournament. As usual, they had a blast.

An action shot of Karrie setting up her vicious serve.

And look at that spike. Way to go Karrie.

Here's little Spielberg catching it all on film, with the help of Aunt Mar, while coach Owen shouts from the sidelines.

Due to bad weather, we ended up crashing in Aunt Mar's hotel room. Here are the travelers enjoying their first continental breakfast.

And despite the fact that the hotel had great fluffy pillows, Aunt Mar slept on her down(trodden) pillow. Guess which one is hers :) We don't want to poke too much fun at Aunt Mar, she displayed her usual vigor for entertaining little ones for 10+ hours and her usual patience in the face of two not so very good hotel sleepers. We won't mention any names.