They recently helped Daddy to celebrate Father's day.

They also got a chance to watch their Dad run a race. They were very exciting to be able to cheer him on.

They even tried their luck at racing too.

Here the boys pose with Daddy post-race. Notice the fancy medals.

They especially enjoyed meeting "Booker" the race mascot.

And getting their hands painted. Luke asked for a football and Owen for a flower. Like Daddy, like Mommy, eh?

During our "down-time", the boys have been doing the usual, like stacking things up. Sometimes their work looks really cool, like this post-modern piece by Owen.

But more often their creations end up looking like something straight from "Sanford and Son."

Of course, they've been keeping up with their music practice. Who needs instruments when you've got an imagination :)

And enjoying each other's company.

But they love it best when their solitude is interrupted by a visitor. Who needs a zoo when you can spot deer in your own back yard.