Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rubber Ducky...

Is this tub getting smaller or what?! Here are recent shots of the boys enjoying bathtime. Note how much bigger they've grown since the last naked shot (Check out the archives for the month of August.)

Is this Owen or Luke?

No mistaking the boys when they are naked.


Anonymous said...

Rub a dub dub two poley's in a tub, how cute. Just when I was thinking in my inner monaloge who is who it was obvious. I really did think that the first one was Luke even before I saw the second one. How cute they look, I bet that they cannot wait for their first Christmas. Sean and Amy you better get rid of your toys to make room for the boys new toys. Love you all Di Di:)

Anonymous said...

Wowee!! I thought Luke looked quite big till I scrolled down and caught sight of Owen...Awesome...Boy,they are both thriving. Good work Amy. See you soon. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

whoa, those are not West legs, I thought Luke was big and then I scrolled down and caught a glimpse of Owen, they sure do look healthy. Cannot wait to see them over the holidays.

Anonymous said...

thanks sean. i just had to see those legs. they are so cute. i can't believe how big they are. good and healthy. that is great. i love the picture of them back to back. can't wait to see you all. love you, summer

Anonymous said...


Can't wait to meet those little butter-babies!
