Our boys now really enjoy bath time. It seems our website has had its fair share of pics of our boys in the bath, so I assure you these will be the last naked pics for a little while.
OX has found his feet and he loves to eat them.
Cousin Tsubomi helped us out by giving us a hand with the boys during bath time. Luke's expression is just priceless ("I told you not to take this picture!).
I hope Owen does not grow up to be an exhibitionist!!! Poor baby, that camera always catches him with his jewels exposed. Luke knows how to be modest, lol. Love em, Gram
I hope Owen does not grow up to be an exhibitionist!!! Poor baby, that camera always catches him with his jewels exposed. Luke knows how to be modest, lol. Love em, Gram
Thats ok Owen Joey was a stripper at a young age and hey he turned out ok. Or did he? j/k cute pics of the boys they are do ccuteeeeeeeeee, Love DiDI
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