Here's Luke trying on Aunt DiDi's fire coat.
Aunt Di was kind enough to let Owen take the ladder truck out for spin. After a few minutes, Ox got real good at making right turns!
Owen was really beat after he drove his first fire truck. He just needed a little rest before he took the ambulance for a spin.
Luke had no trouble fitting into Aunt Di's fire boots.
And afterwards, there was pudding for everyone!
Those pictures are so cute, the boys will make terrific fireman someday. It actually was there second trip by the LPFD, but dad forgot the camera the first time around, when they were just a few months old!!!! Go Luke and Owen you boys rule!!!!Love DIDI
It's about time some new pictures went up! I look every day and was rewarded today to see them. Of course the snaps are darling. They sure do get around... Miss them. Gram
How freakin' adorable are those pics. They are great! When are you going to get a webcam so that I can see the boys in action? Mum, it looks like you stole the show with the boys. Tommy and Joey have some competition at LPFD.
Love the pictures, DiDi will do anything to get on the site, she has to be the one on most after the boys.
they will make the cutest firemen,
it is about time new pictures were posted. you would think you were traveling or something
Love Aunt Sue
I love these pics...they are so cute...the boys are just as cute, too! : ) Ox and Luke are going to give Joey and Tommy some competition at the Firehall!
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