Cupid flew by today and dropped off the loveliest handmade cards from Aunt Winnie. The boys loved them!
After a few days of bitter cold weather (but no snow, sorry all you northerners). The boys needed a little diversion. So here they sit in the kitchen. Driving their car.
Owen decided to hop out of the car and help Mommy make muffins.
Happy Valentine's Day to two of the cutest "boys" we know.. Isn't mommy lucky to have "help" in the kitchen?? Love them driving their car seats...Anything to amuse, right?? Winnie sure is clever with her cards. Love, Gram and Gramp
Happy Valentine's Day! I am so glad the boys liked their valentines! Hope they enjoyed their muffins with mommmy!
Happy Valentine's Day! We had a freeze here in O-Town last night. It was 30 degrees and I needed an ice scraper to clean my windshield (which I didn't have due to my geographical location). Oh, is supposed to be 80 degrees this weekend!
Happy Valentines Day!!!! I am glad that the fellas are practicing their driving skills for their next trip to the Fire Department!! Keep on truckin boys!!!Love DiDI :)
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