The boys had a blast playing with the all the other kids (& the rubber duckies, too).
Owen tends to get a bit serious when he plays games. Could he be the second coming of Aunt Maggie?
Luke showed mom the 2 rubber duckies he wanted to keep.
Here's a pic of the whole gang!
Hey the rubber duckies looked like fun. The boys sure do know how to have a good time. well so does their Dad and Mom. Cannot wait to see them and to take some more pics at the Fire Station. Ask the boys what a Fire truck Sounds like? Love DiDi:)
How fun! The weather looks so nice up there...did you digitally enhance those pics! : )
I love the pics...thanks for calling yesterday... I seem to recall that Sean is very competive when playing games as well...Him, Maggie and Owen would be one heck of a team!
I agree with Winnie that it would be difficult to say who Owen takes after, Dad or Aunt Maggie. LOL The pictures are cute but how come they weren't dressed alike for a big occasion as the IT Picnic? I guess I'll have to go birthday shopping for twin outfits again. Love, Gram
The house is looking great, can't wait to move into my new room, and meet my new roommates, luke and owen, they look like a great bunch of guys. haha. see you in september
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