Are the boys really Cincinnati Reds fans? Daddy thought they were NY Mets fans. Their Uncle Bill better hurry up and send them some NY Mets gear...and fast!
Owen's favorite part seemed to be the hot dogs.
Luke helped the umpire by cleaning home plate.
Daddy & the boys in front of the Great American Ballpark.
OX is thinking about foregoing Miami University and attending his namesake university...Xavier
The boys were busy earlier in the day. They helped their new neighbors move in. They had a blast and they want to know if PapPap can put in a good word for them and get them a job at ABF. They want to drive the big trucks!
I think that the boys are really Nascar fans first because they do not look happy being a reds fan. Go Mark Martin #6. Anyway I love throwing a ball around, tell the boys to bring their mits next time they come in and maybe we can play base run. Love DiDi :)
They must get their sports interests from their dad as I know how much their mom loves (not) sporting events. They look real cute in their bright red Cincinnati Hats..See you soon, Love, Gram
The boys look great in their Hiroshima Carp hats! But the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters are where it is at!
Ron is a huge Cincinnati Reds fan!!! Maybe the boys can trade baseball cards with him! Love the pics.
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