The boys started their big birthday celebration at the beach, where they swam.
Took a dip with Kakky.
Splashed around with the Smith/Balzer crew.
Hung out with Ashy
And Missy and Ty
Built castles. Not pictured is Brad, the master castle craftsman.
And even snuggled a little.
Of course, there was icecream cake.
And after a hard day of celebrating, the boys settled down with Aubrey, Ty and Nate.
Love the more of the house...Min
Wow you guys live near water how cool. Cannot wait and see if the fellas like their birthday gift from DiDi. Se ya soon, Love DiDi :)
Glad to see more pictures up. Know how extremely busy you guys are getting settled but we all look for our fix of the boys via pics. Looks like they had a good time on their birthday and more celebration when they see Nana and Papap and the gang in Erie too!! Three celebrations really isn't in excess. LOL
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