Chef Sean started cooking the night before.
Not to be out-done, the boys jumped in on the action to bake Grandma some cookies.
A delicious feast was had by all!
Even though Tommy wasn't here to join us, he had to get in on the cooking action, too. Here he is baking the boys some cookies (really they were for Cari, but the boys snuck a few.) Everyone probably wishes that Tommy would move in with them. We woke the other morning to find he had folded two loads of laundry. Boy, Di-Di must really miss him.
Looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I miss spending Thanksgiving with the fam. I bet the food was great with a kitchen like that...oh yeah...and with a cook like Sean. I am glad to see that Tommy is cooking and doing laundry...send him down to me.
Wow looks like you guys had fun! I am glad that you had lots of good food and I am glad that Tommy is helping you all out. Go Tommy!!! teach the fellas how to be a good house guest, boyfriend and all around guy. Love Di :)
Sure was a great thanksgiving dinner. We enjoyed being waited on for a change. Loved being with the boys. Gramp didn't even mind Owen using his toothbrush on the sly. I can vouch that they are two busy, adorable boys. Love, Gram
Glad you had a great holiday...looks like a lot of fun! I bet the food was yummy and the company fun!
I don't know Tommy, but if he does laundry and bakes cookies he is sure welcome anytime up here on Long Island!
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