We took Rory out to lunch for her birthday and she was psyched!
Mom and the boys made Rory her first ice cream cake.
Rory wanted to participate, so she grabbed the Kitchen Aid and jumped right in the mix.
Here's the finished product.
Here's Rory gearing up to blowout her candle...
and she really enjoyed her cake.
Can't you tell?
Time for presents... (Nice wrapping paper, Amy!)
and she seemed to like her gifts.
As is tradition, Rory received her own stool.
Our neighbors, Cooper, Makenna and Kullan & our boys helped Rory celebrate her big day.
Does this pose look familiar? Rory was spent as her big day came to an end.
Aww..how cute all the pictures are. Nice cake and love the stool. Holy short haircuts on the boys..LOL Must be their summer do's. Can't wait to see them all next week. Love, Gram and Gramp
Glad to see she had a great b-day...She looks adorable...Time sure flies..... Be on the lookout for a card from me..I had a few offers to buy it from me but told them it is for my Goddaughter... I sold 15 cards last week here at work...I made them on my time off...Now, I have none left..ha.
Love ya all.
She is just too cute!! Have fun in Erie celebrating with family for the boys too. Katie :)
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